A reminder that our Reconciliation Parent/ Child Workshop will be on Thursday, 13th October at 5:30pm in the school hall. All children enrolled to receive the Sacrament this year are required to attend with a parent/ caregiver. On Monday, 17th October, the Year 3 class will be participating in a spiritual retreat at the 24/7 Youth…
Read MoreI am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding an upcoming excursion to Servite College on Friday, 16th September. This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your child’s classroom Art. The class will depart from St Dominic’s School at 9:50am and return to School at 11:00am. Travel…
Read MoreAs we begin to plan for 2023, I ask that you please advise the Front Office via email, if your child will not be returning to St Dominic’s School next year. All emails should be directed to . Your assistance will enable us to make decisions and plan accordingly for the year ahead. Please…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students who were awarded an MJR Spirit of Jesus Award recently. Let us know if you have seen the Spirit of Jesus at work through members of our school community (parent, grandparent, aunties, uncles etc) recently and we will acknowledge and award them a certificate. Use the link below or the one located…
Read MoreOn Wednesday, 14th September, the Mini Vinnies team will be selling hot chocolate at recess from the canteen for $2. All of the money raised will be donated to the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. There are many in our society who face the struggle of domestic violence and need our help. Over the last…
Read MoreThank you to our Year 1 and 2 students for their very entertaining and informative assembly, which took us around the world to all seven continents. Although the assembly was held live it was also video recorded for everyone to enjoy again in the comfort of their own homes. A higher quality version of the…
Read MoreAs the end of 2022 approaches and the beginning of a new school year draws closer, we have reviewed and updated the Year 5 and 6 BYOD iPad program information document. Although not a lot has been changed, sections to take note of are ‘Were to Buy’ and ‘Specs’. Please also take note of the section regarding the installation of a program…
Read MoreA reminder that this Monday, 12th September is our School Photo Day. Students are expected to wear their full winter uniform on Monday, including the school jumper. Pre-Primary students should wear their grey and white shirt. Kindy children can wear a coloured Kindy shirt if they have one, otherwise neat casual dress is also appropriate.…
Read MoreWe are pleased to provide you with the following details regarding the upcoming Year 1, 2 and 6 excursion to Perth Zoo on Monday, 19th September. This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your child’s classroom: Year 6 – Study of Asian geography and recount writing Year 2 –…
Read MoreComing home today is your child’s individual NAPLAN report. Included with the report is the information sheet linked below. Please take the opportunity to read through the information and celebrate the positives with your child. Please do remember that these reports provide a very specific snapshot of how your child is progressing at a point…
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