The students in Mini Vinnies met last week and discussed options for the next fundraiser for St Dominic’s. One new member, Oliver Lee, suggested the idea of collecting the plastic bread tags, which can be turned into cash to purchase wheelchairs for a charity in Africa. Owen Wright is eager to start collecting ring pulls…
Read MoreLast Tuesday, a special group, Wyniss, travelled all the way from one of the Torres Strait Islands (Mua Island) to perform some traditional music and dance for the students in Kindy through to Year 6. The traditions of music and dance in the Torres Strait are significant aspects of Torres Strait culture. The skills that…
Read MoreThe 2019 Vinnies Drive-In, Sleep-In on Friday 18 October at the Galaxy Drive-In Theatre, Kingsley invites families, friends and workmates to spend a night at the only drive-in theatre in Perth and learn more about the challenges people in our community face. There is $95 registration fee per vehicle which goes towards the team fundraising…
Read MoreJust a reminder that the Father’s Day Breakfast order forms and raffle tickets are due back this Tuesday 20th August. Please remember to write your name and childs year group on the raffle tickets and return them in the sandwich bag with $5 for a chance to win some awesome prizes including….vouchers to The Lookout…
Read MoreIn addition to all the fun activities already published for Book Week, below are the activities that will be running in the library this week! Don’t forget to refer back to the early post with further details regarding the other exciting activities planned. Previous 2019 Book Week Plan Post Miss Maingard…
Read MoreJust a quick reminder that if you haven’t already placed your order, the athletics carnival sausage sizzle orders are due on Monday. Don’t forget that you can order for relatives and spectators too. The more orders the better! Forms were sent home earlier in your child’s school bag. If you require a new form please…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students and staff who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award, for making Jesus real in our school: Week 4 Pre Primary – Bailey O, Jayden E, Max S Year 1 – Harsh C, Sam H Year 2 – Jake D, Jayden R, Luke O, Sam E, Daniel A Year 4 – Owen W, Martin S Year 5 – Zari D, Jake F Year…
Read MoreWith a slightly different format being trialled at this years St Dominic’s School Faction Carnival, we are in need of some additional marquee style tents. If you own one of these tents and would be willing to loan it to us for the day, please let me know via email – Thank you! …
Read MoreThe St Dom’s Got Talent Show is scheduled for Friday, 6th September. The show will commence at 1:30pm in the school hall. Parents and family members are encouraged to watch the talent show and be amazed by the many talented students at St Dominic’s. Participating in a talent show gives students recognition for non‐academic talents. It…
Read MoreThis year, we are trialling a new format for the faction athletics carnival. The reason for this is first and foremost, to give all students more activity time, rather than (for some students) spending most of the day in faction bays. The new format will allow all students to participate in every event provided for…
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