On Friday, 1st November, 2019, St Dominic’s School will be celebrating All Saints Day. On this day, Catholics celebrate all those who have entered heaven, including saints. In particular, we will be acknowledging Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Ferrer, Saint Aquinas, and Saint Catherine of Siena. The day will commence with a whole school mass…
Read MoreAs you may recall from previous communications this year, for financial and supply reasons, we are unable to have a surplus stock of girls shorts and trousers kept in the uniform shop throughout the year. The shorts and trousers are only available via an order process, with a 6 – 8 week turnaround time on…
Read MoreSchool photos will be coming home on Monday, 21st October, with students in Pre-Primary to Year 6. Please check your child’s school bag so they don’t get damaged. Family photos can be collected from the office. Miss Jemma Davis Acting Assistant Principal/ Kindy Teacher
Read MoreA paper copy of the form below will come home with your child on Monday, 21st October. If required, clicking on the image below will enable you to download and print the form at home. St Dominic’s School P&F
Read MoreNew books for the Library! Look at all of the new resources that we have been able to provide through purchases and donations. Thank you to Mrs Capriotti and Mrs Kelly for accessioning and covering all of these new books. As well, a big thank you to our parents, in particular Mrs Hogan, who has…
Read MoreStaff, parents and students have recently been heard commenting on the absolutely beautiful blooms in the St Dominic’s Church garden. The plants in this garden were purchased, planted and maintained by our hardworking P&F and the families of St Dominic’s School. The roses brighten up our church and also have a special place in our…
Read MoreLook at the goodies we received this week! These items were purchased using the stickers collected through the Woolworths Earn and Learn promotion earlier this year. Staff and students are very excited about the resources that the work of the P&F and our families have enabled us to receive. We would also like to say…
Read MoreThis term we will be learning about farms. Landsdale farm will provide us with a great opportunity to get some fresh air, visit the lush gardens and fun playgrounds and of course see a huge range of animals! After travelling to the farm by bus, the excursion will involve: A meet and greet in the…
Read MoreSmall changes are happening at our canteen! We are continually trying to eliminate waste and continue to support the schools compost bins with our fresh food scraps, collection of bread/ can tops for Mini Vinnies, recycle all our plastics and cardboard into the recycling bins and have recently swapped our straws from plastic to paper. …
Read MoreThe Gardening Club have been hard at work harvesting, shelling and preparing broad beans both for sale and for consumption. If you are keen to buy some, please pop in and see Mr Bovell in the Year 4 classroom. A bag of around 80 freshly picked and organically grown broad beans will cost you $4.…
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