St Dominc’s School, along with all Catholic Schools in Western Australia, has had in place for the past two years a Code of Conduct document. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students. Each week…
Read MoreThe 2019 Year Books have arrived! If you ordered a book please drop into the front office at your earliest convenience and collect your copy. Monique has been provided with an order list from the P&F coordinators and will tick off your name once your book has been collected. Leon Bolding Principal
Read MoreMembers of the Craft Club have been busy this term making Christmas cards for the seniors who reside at Bethanie and Birralee. We are also looking forward to designing and making the decorations for the Nativity play. Therefore, we are putting a call out for donations of coloured card (any size-bigger the better!), tinsel, old…
Read MoreDuring the month of November this year the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia transitioned our school to a new school administration and finance system, Administration of Schools (AoS). This system is being deployed to all WA Catholic Schools. As a result of this you now have the opportunity to make school fee payments via…
Read MoreWe are approaching the season of Advent, which is a focus in the Religious Education Guidelines. This unit explores ways in which the children can develop their gifts and abilities as they try and live out Jesus’ Commandment to love and help others. A practical way to explore this understanding is to go out into…
Read MoreOn Monday, 9th December we would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents and special friends to join us for a morning at the school. We recognise increasingly, the importance of this wonderful group of people in our girls and boys lives, and wish to extend our thanks to them by welcoming them to the school and in…
Read More[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Discovery Kids Introduction Letter”]
Read MoreThis term in Pre-Primary, we are learning about our community, and the people and places that keep us safe. We have learnt about ‘000’ and what to do in an emergency and all the things, people and places that make up a community. To consolidate this learning, we will be going on a walking excursion…
Read MoreThank you to those families who completed the survey sent home in Term 3. The data received was extremely positive and formed the basis for a conversation I had with the directors of Discovery Kids earlier this term. The feedback from parents was strong enough for them to take the next step towards opening a…
Read MoreThe Year 6 Camp is now only two weeks away! All Aboard Coach Tours, who organise the catering and activities, has provided us with the final itinerary and intended menu plan (please note that this menu may be subject to change). Both documents can be accessed by clicking on the links below. Itinerary Menu Plan We…
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