This Friday at 8:50am, we have our Whole School Year 3 Assembly scheduled to take place in the school hall. As was the case with our Year 5 assembly earlier in the term, only the immediate family of our Year 3 students will be able to attend this event in person. In addition, the immediate…
Read MoreThe Year 2 students have been busy planning to create some amazing scarecrows to enter into the Perth Royal Shows Sustainable Scarecrow competition. They need as many old CDs or DVDs as possible, so if you have any lying around at home, please send them in to school with your child (they can be dropped off…
Read MoreDear friends, I hope this finds you all well. Just a gentle reminder about the change in Mass times, which will begin a 6 month trial from this weekend. Details are as follows Saturday 6.00pm Innaloo Sunday 8.00am Karrinyup Sunday 10.00am Innaloo I pray it will not inconvenience too many, but I would like to try…
Read MoreThe Interschool Athletics Carnival is now just under 2 weeks away on Thursday, 24th September (Week 10). Please find attached to this communication an amended copy of the program with times of each event if you plan on coming to watch your child (please check this document carefully so that you know exactly which race your…
Read MoreCongratulations to our very special Year 4 First Communicants. The two parish masses over the weekend were beautiful celebrations, which saw our students surrounded by their families as they received Jesus for the first time. Fr Bernard reminded us that we receive the body of Christ at mass so that we can be more like…
Read MoreOver the past term we have been working on developing an online canteen ordering system that would be available via our school website. This work has now been completed and a new icon has been placed on our school’s website homepage. Clicking on this new grey tile will take you directly to the online order…
Read MoreWord-of-mouth advertising is very powerful, and we know and acknowledge that our school community members are out in the wider community each and every day positively promoting our school. We would like to show our appreciation by once again offering our Family Referral Incentive Program in 2020. This initiative will run from now through until…
Read MoreAs a leadership team and staff we recently discussed our previously scheduled Open Night/ Book Fair and how this may be impacted by current COVID-19 restrictions. Due to a number of considerations regarding the physical distancing requirements in place across Western Australia, the decision was made that for 2020 this event would be cancelled. Although…
Read MoreI am writing to provide you with an important update for the 2021 school year. I would like to thank you for the contribution you make to your child’s education and our school community through the fees you pay. Decisions around school fees always consider accessibility and affordability, to ensure that all families who seek…
Read MoreOn Thursday, 10th September, all students at St Dominic’s were treated to a performance by the Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company called ‘Bilya Kaatijin’. The performance connected stories from Noongar land (south-west Western Australia) to Wonguktha land (the northern Goldfields), Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the Kikuyu people of Kenya. Bilya Kaatijin taught students about the importance of water…
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