The first week of the year has been very successful and it was wonderful to see our students reconnecting with each other and their teachers. The Chief Health Officer WA has advised that schools should respond to recent and significant COVID-19 outbreaks by reframing school events to meet recommended guidelines. The advice highlights the need…
Read MoreWelcome to the new school year. As many of you commence the application process for your child to attend a Catholic high school, you will find that a reference from your Parish Priest is requested. One purpose for the reference is to offer me, as the pastor of this Catholic community, an opportunity to meet…
Read MoreFollowing discussions this afternoon with staff, we have made the decision to cancel the previously advertised parent information evening planned for this Thursday night. With the current COVID-19 situation and with the health and safety of our school community in mind, we don’t believe that we can safely deliver this information in a face to…
Read MoreOver the holidays Locavora, previously known as LunchBox, have updated their online ordering website. The previous site is no longer accepting orders and your old accounts are no longer accessible. Please use the updated link provided on the home page of our school website or the one linked below, and follow the prompts to create…
Read MoreWith some final staffing appointments taking place over the school holidays, please see below the updated 2022 staffing structure. Teaching Staff Kindergarten Amanda Muniandy Pre Primary Amy Dawson Year One Simonette Chiappini (half days) Year One/ Two Rochelle Brush Year Three Jacky Lisi (Mon, Tue, Wed) Hannah Mearns (Thu,…
Read MoreThere are many ways in which we share information with families here at St Dominic’s, both verbally and digitally. We continue to focus on making information easily accessible, timely and available when needed. Below is an outline of the main communication streams we use. eNewsletter – Once a week (normally a Sunday), all families in our…
Read MoreThroughout your child’s enrolment at St Dominic’s School, classroom teachers will enhance lessons and routines with visiting presenters (‘incursions’) and activities delivered off site (‘excursions’). Incursions and excursions are designed and safely delivered to the same standard as regular classroom instruction and in accordance with CECWA Policy. All school activities, regardless of who delivers them…
Read MoreFollowing the transition of our school uniform shop off site last year, in 2022 the St Dominic’s School uniform continues to be available via JFE’s shopfront located at Unit 1, 85 Guthrie Street, Osbourne Park, or online via their website. Further details including opening hours and a link to their online website, can be found…
Read MoreWe know that beginning Kindy can be an exciting but sometimes unsettling time. We have created the below social story to assist with the transition process. Regularly referring back to this story over the coming days could be a great way to prepare your child for the year ahead. Just press pause on each page…
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