Thank you so much to those who were able to join the URSTRONG online parent-child workshop last Tuesday. It was so great to see the interaction between yourselves and your children. For those who were unable to attend live or if you would like to watch the session again, please see the information below for…
Read MoreStudents are not permitted to arrive at school prior to 8:15am. Kindy and Pre Primary students should not arrive before 8:30am, unless an adult remains with them outside the classroom. All classroom doors open at 8:30am and classes commence at 8:40am. Pre-Primary to Year 6 Doors Open – 8:30am Session 1 Commences – 8:40am Recess…
Read MoreAll Parents and Friends Group (P&F) Meeting Minutes in 2024 are uploaded to the school website and made available for families to access via a link at the bottom of the P&F page. After each meeting a notice will be sent home to inform families that the minutes are ready for viewing. Below is a…
Read MoreNational Sorry Day has been observed annually on May 26 since 1998, as a time for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to remember the many children who were forcibly removed from their families and communities. The Bringing Them Home report, which highlights this tragic chapter in Australia’s history, includes numerous case studies demonstrating that…
Read MoreThe Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program established in 2022 to: encourage students to read more books enjoy reading improve literacy levels. The mission is for students in Kindergarten to Year 10 to read 12 books over 4 months from 6 May to 6 September. At the end of the challenge, students who…
Read MoreSt Dominic’s School welcomes students and families from a wide range of cultures. Our next gathering will be an afternoon tea held on Wednesday, 29th May, commencing at 2:00pm. We would love to welcome back parents who have previously attended a Multicultural Morning tea and encourage parents who have not yet attended to join in.…
Read MoreIf parking and collecting your children, instead of using the ‘kiss and ride’ option, please take a moment to read the following information. Parking is available along Beatrice Street in the marked parking bays and in the Church carpark at the Eastern end of the school. Although a bit further away, street parking is also available…
Read MoreThis winter season there are a lot of people who are homeless, poor and people who are needing our help and their need is especially big during this season. We are going to be holding a winter appeal to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Society where they will use it to help those…
Read MoreOn Friday, 24th May our Year 6 students will lead a short Sorry Day Assembly to reflect on and commemorate the history of the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. We invite families to attend if they wish to do so. This assembly will begin at 8:50am in the school hall. …
Read MoreSent home in your child’s bag on Thursday was a photo envelope for the upcoming School Photos on Tuesday, 28th May. Every child in the school has received a specifically coded individual envelope with all instructions clearly outlined on the front. To assist with the first instruction, ‘This envelope MUST be handed to the School Office prior photo day…
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