I am writing to once again seek the communities support with regards to pick up and drop off parking at St Dominic’s School. If parking and collecting your children, instead of using the ‘kiss and ride’ option, please take a moment to read the following information. Parking is available along Beatrice Street in the marked…
Read MoreComing home with each child this afternoon will be an envelope containing information about the up coming P&F Father’s Day Gift Handout. Don’t forget to check your child’s bag and return it to school as soon as possible. The gift handout will take place on Thursday, 2nd September, with each class having an opportunity to…
Read MoreThe students celebrated National Science Week last Wednesday with some amazing presentations from our Year Six students. They helped the students from Pre Primary to Year 5 learn about changes due to mixing, heating and cooling, with exciting presentations that included exploding volcanoes, edible glass, gooey slime, dough, ice cream, elephant toothpaste and rubber eggs,…
Read MoreOver the last few weeks, St Dominic’s has been collecting blankets and doona’s that have been donated to St Vincent De Paul as part of their Winter Appeal. I’m very pleased to say that thanks to our very giving community, we were able to fill 1 large boxes with blankets and doona’s. Thanks to your…
Read MoreOn Sunday, 29th August, at 10:00am, a Family Mass will be held at St Dominic’s Church. The Year 1 and 2 families in particular are invited to come along and assist with the celebration, however, ALL St Dominic’s families are encouraged to attend. Fr Bernard welcomes and encourages families to participate by assisting with altar serving, taking…
Read MoreNicole Leach School Councillor
Read MoreOn Monday, 30th of August, the Year 3 and 4 classes will be going on an excursion to Perth Zoo. Both classes will be participating in a lesson organised by the zoo and complete activities in small groups. The experience will help students develop key understandings in Geography, Science and English. This term, both classes…
Read MoreToday at St Dominic’s, we practised our emergency evacuation procedure with the students. This was a planned practise that teachers spoke to the children about prior to the event. I am writing to let you know, as they may come home and speak about it with you tonight. With the commencement of our build now imminent (Capital…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students, who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award for making Jesus real in our school, at last weeks online Monday morning assembly. You may have noticed a new addition to our weekly eNewsletter, a link to an online Spirit of Jesus Community Nomination Form. Let us know if you saw…
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