Please see the following information outlining further details for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please note that all the information below and the materials outlined were provided to families at the conclusion of last weeks parent workshop. Date: Thursday 3rd November 2022 Time: 6:00pm Venue: St Dominic’s Church Please meet at the church no later than…
Read MoreTo celebrate World Grandparents day, we would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents and special friends to join us for a morning at the school on Monday, 31st October. We recognise the importance of this wonderful group of people in our children’s lives, and wish to extend our thanks to them by welcoming…
Read MorePlease find attached the information for the 2022 Faction Swimming Carnival, which will be held at Bayswater Waves Swimming Pool on Friday, 14th October, from 9:45am. Please check this carefully and get in touch with me if you have any queries and I will cross check against the information I have via the form you…
Read MoreIn Weeks 6 and 7 (14th November to 25th November) of Term 4, students in Year 1 and 2 will be participating in swimming lessons at Scarborough Pool. Attached to this communication is an enrolment form that parents are asked to fill in as accurately as possible. Could you please hand these in to your…
Read MoreYouth Group Goals Have 10 young people come to the youth group. Form relationships with the youth. Have at least 5 young people come for food after mass. Goal Status Goal 1) We had 13 young people attend the youth group. This was an awesome achievement and we look forward to the youth group’s growth…
Read MoreOn Friday, 21st October, St Dominic’s P&F will be hosting its annual Disco for the students of St Dominic’s. This year, the P&F Executive with the support of the P&F, have made the decision to make this years disco a FREE EVENT for all students. To assist with planning, families are asked to complete the…
Read MoreThe D’ukes are back! It’s been wonderful to see the members of the ukulele club have not lost their skills during their break from the club. We welcomed two new students, Hannah and Mackenzie, who have slotted in just fine! Thank you, parents, for dropping off your children early on a Friday morning. It’s a…
Read MoreWe are seeking expressions of interest from any student in Years 4 to 6 who may be interested in joining the St Dominic’s Book Club. This club has taken a back seat due to Covid restrictions, but we are keen to get it up and running again. The club will gather every second Thursday (12.50pm…
Read MoreOn Thursday, 20th October, a Farmyard on Wheels will be visiting the Kindy students! A Farmyard on wheels provides an informative, entertaining and tailored experience, specifically for this age group. The children interact with and learn about the following farm animals: 1 x Sheep 1 x Goat 1 x Miniature Horse 1 x Farm Dog…
Read MoreThis term, the Year 4 and 5 class will be working with textiles during Art. A series of lessons has been planned with a focus on the importance of sustainability and how we can play our part in reducing fabric waste. As such, we need your scraps! If you have any fabric scraps/ old clothing/…
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