As was previously published, on Friday, 24th July, St Dominic’s will hold a parent/ teacher interview day. This time has been scheduled to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss Semester One reports, as well as set goals for the remainder of the year. This year, we are using a system called Microsoft Bookings to organise…
Read MoreFor a Catholic community, the Gospel imperative (Matt 25: 31 – 46) is often expressed in a community setting as the preferential option for the poor among us. The Gospel also invites us to practise welcoming (Matt 25: 35) and protective hospitality (Luke 10: 25 – 37), when required, towards those in need in our…
Read MoreThank you to our Year 1 students for their very entertaining retell of the Gruffalo, which due to COVID-19 restrictions, was video recorded for everyone to enjoy. A higher quality version of the video can be downloaded here. Congratulations also to our Week 10 Merit Certificate winners! Each one of them very worthy recipients.…
Read MoreThe Pre- Primary to Year 6 Semester 1 Reports are now live on the SEQTA Engage website – Log in details for each family will be the same as last year. New families should have hopefully received a welcome email earlier today that provided instructions on how to set up an account. If at any…
Read MoreAfter an amazing partnership over the past few years, both Christine and Peta will be finishing up their roles in the Canteen at the end of Term 2. On behalf of the whole school community, I would like to thank both of these amazing ladies for all they have done for the students, staff and…
Read MorePerhaps your child is curious about the Catholic faith, or you want to deepen your spirituality, or you simply have questions about God. Two parents from our schools have indicated their interest in joining our informal enquiry sessions to be held in Term 3. All are very welcome to come! If you are interested, please…
Read MoreIn recognition of the extraordinary way in which our students adapted to and tackled the changes and challenges of the past few months, we would like to reward them all with an icy pole on the final day of Term 2. The icy poles will be distributed from the canteen to the children after they…
Read MoreOn Wednesday, Fr Bernard joined the Year 2 class to celebrate an end of unit liturgy. The class, which has been focussing on prayer, discussed the different ways students can speak to God. Fr emphasised that there is a time and place for both formal and informal prayers. A prayer can be as simple as…
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