On Wednesday the 14th of October, the Year 6 students journeyed to the St Dominic’s Parish Hall and Birralee Reserve to participate in a Confirmation retreat. This was to further prepare them for their upcoming sacrament on Sunday the 25th of October. The session was run by Father Bernard, Mr Paljetak and Mr Bovell. The…
Read MoreThis year, the St Dominic’s School P&F have worked together with the school to create a Yearbook to showcase our fabulous school, as well as give families in our St Dominic’s community a beautiful keep sake. The 2020 Yearbook is a collection of photos of your children and their friends and is filled with special…
Read MoreScoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. It can be detected by a simple examination of the back. The normal spine has three curves – one in the neck, on in the upper back and one in the lower back. These curves can be seen from the side, but when you look from…
Read MoreAt the end of last term flyers were sent home with the girls from Kindy to Year 6, promoting The Australian Girls Choir (AGC). Next Wednesday, 28th October a representative from the AGC is coming out to St Dominic’s and will conduct a session with anyone who is showing interest in joining the choir. The…
Read MoreThis Thursday the Kindy students are having an incursion held in our classroom between 9-10am. The company is called Bricks4kids. The Kindy students love playing with LEGO and Duplo bricks so I thought it would be a fun and engaging morning to have Bricks4kidz visit our class. BRICKS 4 KIDZ® Educational Play programs provide an…
Read MoreOn Monday of Week 3, St Dominic’s students will participate in the Interschool Cross Country Carnival at Light St Reserve in Dianella. As part of this, students will have 3 training sessions in the lead up to the carnival. These will be at Birralee Reserve from 7:30-8:15am on the following dates: Thursday 15th October Tuesday…
Read MoreI am pleased to announce that the process for appointing our new Finance Officer at St Dominc’s School was finalised at the end of last term. Sandra Raso has been appointed to the position and will be commencing with us on Monday of Week 2. Sandra comes to us with a strong financial background and…
Read MoreCongratulations to all participants in this year’s Senior School Ping Pong Tournament!!! Results: Year 4: Winner – Alyssa W Runner-up – Jake M Year 5: Winner – James D (21-18) Runner-up – Mason B Year 6: Winner – Benjamin D (21-10) Runner-up: Jackson M Competition Photos Stirling Bovell Ping Pong Tournament Coordinator
Read MoreWe are putting the shout out for boys or girls in Year 5 or 6 to make a St Dominic’s summer hockey team during Term 4. No hockey experience necessary. What is involved? Game only (no training) on a Thursday either 6:25pm or 7:15pm at Shenton turf @ Shenton College 8 week season from Thursday…
Read MoreWe are very excited to share the news with the community that baby Benjamin Kevin Sullivan was born yesterday, 24th September, at 4:40pm. Joe has reported that both mum and Ben (“Benny”) are doing well. We can’t wait to meet Ben and welcome him into our community. Congratulations, Joe and Linda!!! Below is a song…
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