Today the Year 6 students were visited by members of the Australian Red Cross. Julie and Pat delivered an interactive program designed to dispel the myths and misunderstandings about why people seek asylum. This tied in nicely with our learning on human migration in HASS and above all else, educated the kids on just how…
Read MoreClean Up Australia Day was on Sunday the 7th of March. To get involved and to step up and make a positive impact on our school environment, the Year 6 and Year 1 students teamed up to collect as much litter as they could on Friday, 5th March. It was a lot of fun! Click…
Read MoreA sincere thank you to those families who have returned the ‘Family Details’ form sent out at the end of last month. If you haven’t as yet, I ask that you return this form immediately, so that we can be reassured that the details we have on file for your child are up to date.…
Read MoreWill the Year 1 to 6 students still have access to the current toilet block throughout the construction period? Yes, the current Year 1 to 6 toilet block will remain accessible during the majority of the building program and will be securely fenced off from the building site. The Year 1 to 6 toilets will…
Read MoreAt different forums over the past six months you may have heard me speak about the work that has been done, supported by our School Advisory Council, Catholic Education Western Australia and Paterson Group Architects, around developing a long term visionary Master Capital Development Plan for our school. The plan encapsulates our whole school site…
Read MoreComing home on Wednesday with your eldest child is the letter below, along with a zip lock bag containing raffle tickets. Further details can be found on the flyer which is attached below and to the zip lock bag. St Dominic’s School P&F
Read MoreEnrolment Mass Reminder – A reminder that if your child is receiving a Sacrament in 2021, this weekend is the last opportunity to attend one of the Sacramental Enrolment Masses. Times are as follows: 6:00pm on Saturday Night at St Dominic’s Church 8:00am on Sunday Morning at OLGC Church 10:00am on Sunday Morning at St…
Read MoreAs published earlier in the term, Miss Sandra Raso has taken on the role of School Banking Coordinator here at St Dominic’s and provides the service to families every Thursday morning in the Library, between 8:30am and 9:00am. To assist interested families further, our School Banking Specialist from Commbank has provided the following parent guide. The…
Read MoreI would like to remind the community that dogs are not permitted on the St Dominic’s School grounds at any time of the day, unless permission has been granted by myself as the Principal. Reasons for this decision are based on student safety, hygiene, allergies and possible disturbance and distraction to student learning. Please also…
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