A Message from Fr Bernard – World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) Sunday 29th September and Shared Multicultural Lunch

We are celebrating WDMR on Sunday, 28th September. Parishioners are encouraged to come to 9.30am Mass at St Dominic’s in cultural dress. Please check the sheet at the back of church and let us know if your country of origin is not yet listed so we can ensure we have a flag displayed representing your cultural heritage! You are invited to join us for a shared Multicultural lunch. This will be on the 29th after the 9.30am Mass in St Dominic’s Parish Hall. Please bring along a dish or drink to share from your country of origin or heritage. Cultural dress encouraged.


A Message from Fr Bernard – World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) Sunday 29th September and Shared Multicultural Lunch


God bless.



Fr Bernard Lanarolle

Parish Priest


Ph: 9245 3899