Pre-Primary Excursion to Caversham Wildlife Park – Friday 31st May

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our incursion to Caversham Wildlife Park on Friday 31st of May. We will leave school at 9:00am and return to school by 2:30pm. This incursion has been planned to supplement what the Pre-Primary’s have been learning this term in Science and English. The students have been observing the way animals move, writing recounts and exploring information reports and non-fiction stories about Australian animals. We will be travelling by bus to and from Caversham Wildlife Park and will spend the day exploring and watching a farm show, penguin feeding and exploring the rest of the park in small groups.

Children are required to bring:

  • St Dominic’s school bag or alternatively a smaller bag than the everyday school bag.
  • Some students have particularly large lunchboxes, so a smaller lunchbox is preferable.
  • Morning tea and lunch inside their bag. Students WILL NOT be able to buy any food or drinks during the excursion.
  • Wear their sports uniform (grey and white polo), a hat and sunscreen.
  • There are no drink fountains at Caversham so please ensure your child has two full water bottles for the day.

We require 2-3 parent helpers from each class. You will be required to supervise a group of children throughout the day. Unfortunately, younger siblings will not be able to attend due to Caversham Wildlife Park’s requirements. We understand this may make it difficult for some parents to volunteer and apologise for this inconvenience. If you are interested in being a parent helper, please complete the online form (link below). We will inform you as soon as possible if you have been selected to attend.


Online Parent Helper Form


If you have any questions or feel that the proposed excursion may raise issues relevant to your child’s safe and full participation, please contact me to discuss these further.

We are very much looking forward to spending the day at Caversham Wildlife Park!



Rochelle Brush
