2024 Book Week Fun and Parade at St Dominic’s

Book Week is coming up in Week 6 and several activities have been planned.  Book Week is an exciting event on the calendar each year.  It will be a great opportunity to celebrate books and have some fun! There will be a parade, a book exchange, and many other engaging activities for the students to enjoy during the week in their classrooms.

Book Week Parade (Parents welcome)

On Monday, 19th August at 8:50am, St Dominic’s School students will take part in a Book Week Parade in the hall.  The theme for Book Week across Australia this year is ‘Reading is Magic’.



We ask that each child come to school dressed as a character from a book.  There will be a small prize for the most creative costume from each class.  This is not a compulsory activity so children choosing to not dress up should come dressed in their normal school uniform.

Thank you for supporting this fun event.



Rochelle Brush

Book Week Coordinator