24:7 Innaloo & Karrinyup Youth Group Update

Youth Group Goals

  1. Get Youth to join the Christmas mass choir.
  2. Have Youth bring friends along to the Christmas party.
  3. Have Youth attend food and fellowship after mass.

Goal Status

Goal 1) A number of young people expressed interest in the Christmas choir as well as the Christmas party!

Goal 2) We encouraged all the young people to invite their friends along to the Christmas party. We look forward to promoting the event more and getting as many youth along as we can!

Goal 3) Quite a few Youth did attend the food and fellowship after the mass.

Youth Group Talk / Focus

Last youth groups theme was The Holy Trinity. We explored the Trinity and how God is three persons in one. We also looked at how all three persons are distinctly written in the Bible.

Next Youth Group Theme

Next Youth Group, we are having our Christmas Party!

This Past Week’s Non-Youth Group Activities / Masses / External Involvement

Youth Mass with Youth Leaders and Youth attendees.

-Food and fellowship after mass.

Parish/Newsletter Promotion

24:7 Innaloo Youth Group

Christmas party on the 10th December.

We invite all young people in years 6-12 to bring their friends along.



God bless,


24:7 Youth Ministers
