Parish Easter Colouring Competition

Hi Kids,

We had planned some fun activities for you for  Easter but sadly we wont be able to see you during Easter. 😢 So, guess what! The parish is running a Easter colouring competition.🥳

Simply colour the clip art pic, take a photo of your masterpiece, write a few words about the meaning of Easter and email it to the parish.

If you win, the Easter bunny will deliver a special gift to you … so don’t forget to write your address! The Easter bunny has a fantastic GPS and will deliver your gift but only if you remember to send your postal address!


Colouring Competition Clip Art Link


If you don’t have a printer but would still like to be involved, drop past the school and collect a copy from the box Mr Bolding has left at the front gate.

Parish Easter Colouring Competition

Good luck!

God Bless


Fr Bernard Lanarolle