2021 Rice Day Wrap up

The staff and students did a wonderful job last Tuesday raising much needed funds for the children up in the Chin Hills at the Metta Geha Orphanage.  The current situation in Myanmar is severe and the children need our support more than ever.  The students had no problems consuming over 10 kg of rice!  There were no complaints about the canteen menu today, they eagerly lined up for their plain rice and most came back for seconds!

A big thank you to Morris Place IGA who kindly donated the rice for our event.  Along with the rice, representatives from the store visited our school and handed over a very generous cheque which boosted our final total!  St Dominic’s are appreciative of the ongoing support from IGA at Morris Place.

We are proud of the children at St Dominic’s, they are demonstrating the qualities of a young person who is socially aware and putting ideas into action to make a difference in the world.  The final count for the day was $875.80.  Along with money raised from The Book Exchange, we now have a healthy donation to hand over to the Mandalay projects, which will help the children at Metta Geha.  The children are so appreciative of our generous donations, and we look forward to continuing our connection and supporting the beautiful children of Myanmar.


Click Here to Access Photos from the Day



Mags James

Rice Day Coordinator